…in Hill Street Blues, Season 1, Episodes 7 thru 11 (1981)

In Episode 7, Choice Cut, the kids who took hostages in a liquor store robbery gone wrong (pilot episode) do the same again, this time in a grocery store.  As expected, Goldblume favors negotiation while Hunter favors all-out assault; and Furillo manages to navigate between them successfully, ending the situation peacefully despite Hunter’s mistakes.

Renko: I thought you Old-Testament types knew how to make a decent sandwich. Goldblume: Renko, my mother said 'eat', she never said 'watch'...


Goldblume starts off Episode 8, Up In Arms, upset about Hunter’s military youth camp – vowing to write a letter to Chief Daniels.  Fortunately for him, he is interrupted by Captain Furillo with news of citizens up in arms; a newly-formed “Dekker Avenue Merchant’s Association”, created after the hostage crisis from the previous episode and likely instigated by the news team that has been filming a news segment on the Hill Street Precinct.

As the news crew is still there when the citizen’s group shows up, Furillo asks Goldblume to put them in his office while they try to contact Division for guidance.

Renko is upset that the case against the junkie is going to be dropped for lack of evidence; and is also upset with partner Hill for feeling as though Hill is cutting him out of his life (because he hasn’t introduced Renko to his current girlfriend, and seems to be avoiding any situation where they might all be together).  Goldblume interrupts their locker-room argument with a request to consider that the junkie might have been innocent; which of course does not go over well with Renko, especially given the timing.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Esterhaus has been getting messages from a criminal he busted some time ago, who is now out of jail.  Everyone advises Esterhaus to avoid him, but in the end, Phil decides that he needs to be a man and meet with him.  Goldblume stops him on his way out, concerned for his safety; but Phil goes anyway.


In Episode 9, My Kind, Your Kind, Humankind, Goldblume arrives at work to find Hunter giving his racist views to Furillo, giving him a hard time about trying to help the Puerto Rican kid that took the hostages in the liquor and grocery stores.  Goldblume takes the opportunity to jump in and tell Hunter what he thinks of him and his attitudes, until Furillo yells at both of them to go to his office.

Later, Goldblume encounters a young patrol officer whose partner had recently been killed.  The kid is conflicted, and turns to Goldblume for advice.

Bates joins them, as Goldblume is telling Santini that he had originally gone to college with an eye towards being a meteorologist himself.  Bates tells him that he does look a bit like the weatherman on a TV channel, and goes on to say that most women she knows think he’s really hot, too.  Goldblume is uncomfortable with this and goes to leave; with Bates remarking, “Full moon out tonight, Henry…”

Back upstairs, Goldblume gets a bit of help from Belker with the vending machine, and then talks more with Santini about being a police officer – convincing him in the end that just because all of his family are officers does not mean that Santini has to be one too.

Goldblume gets called away to the phone…and leaves the station, coming back with the junkie who shot Hill and Renko in tow.  The kid tells them that it just happened, things just got out of hand; and Hill is not comforted, realizing that the kid probably barely even remembers doing it at all.


Episode 10, Gatorbait, finds Hunter and his team down in the sewers, looking for alligators.  No surprise that Goldblume would be friends with the SPCA rep…and, he’s brought in another rescue that he promises he’ll have a home for right away (but of course, he doesn’t).

A teenage girl has been murdered as well, and Goldblume is upset to learn that she was a performer at a local ‘gentleman’s club’, at the age of fourteen.  Furillo agrees with him that the place needs to be shut down, but Chesley tells him that the problem is that the club has many influential members.

 Henry manages to score slightly on Hunter later, when he enters Furillo’s office to find Hunter with his boxes of torn-up fake alligator (a prank perpetrated on him by LaRue and Washington).


Episode 11, Life, Death, Eternity, begins with the unexpected death (by natural causes), of Marv – the precinct’s telephone wizard.  Everyone is a bit disconcerted to realize that they cannot recall his last name – and the unlikeliest member of the group (Hunter) is the one who provides it.

Marv’s sudden death makes everyone start thinking about the fragility of life, and lends impetus to LaRue’s “Saloondromat” scheme.  Goldblume decides to go in with the rest as an investor, but isn’t terribly impressed with the site…

Back at the station house, Goldblume and several others have to intervene when a new transfer (who has been baiting Belker all day) and Belker get into a brawl in the locker room.

The rest of the Season 1 screenshots are available here (fairly extensive, covers the entire season).

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